visszadob egy beszélgetés mint valami időkapu
a conversation throws me back like a time gate black
hole to the moment when we got the call I guess this
dialogue from now on turns into a social solitude
at least certainly for me suddenly one eventually me
dad mom walks out not walks but falls out of the discourse
and lands in a lonely intimate junction inaccessible to others
similar to moszkva square just without people only the three of us
meandering around on the surface amongst the tram tracks moving
along separate edges and corners of this single junction
bound by the space formed by this common loss we meet here
cause even if we would be on three distinct points of the world
there is always a dinner table cafe corner or perhaps a meeting
when we all at the same time fall out of that tangible space
and arrive into this timelessness the earth opens up
this time and we on sheets knotted together climb down
to the bottom and if it happens suddenly
we fall down and just wander amongst the tracks for hours
for me it"s a time gate black hole sucks me in and spits out
by that phone call and I’m back at the other end of the line
quietly trying to put it down before someone could say